Rugs Are Extremely Popular In Homes All Over The World

Rugs are extremely popular in homes all over the world. Purchasing rugs and having them installed is a rather expensive investment, so it is vital to maintain your rugs to the best of your ability. This is not as hard as it sounds because a thorough vacuuming every few days is sufficient. In order to avoid having to do major cleaning to your carpet, it is best not to eat or drink over the carpet because accidents happen and something may get spilled. If something does happen to spill on your carpet, you will not have to pay to have it replaced because the stain can be cleaned fairly effortlessly if you act quickly.

One of the most crucial things to know about removing any kind of stain from your carpet is to begin trying to remove it as soon as the spill occurs. This is because the longer a spill remains on your carpet, the more time it has to set deep into the fibers. This will make it harder to remove. The first step you need to make is to use a paper towel or a clean cloth to remove as much of the excess spill as you can. Be sure to blot the spot working from the outside towards the center. Doing it this way will help you to avoid spreading the stain over a larger area. Also, do not rub the stain to remove the excess because that will only grind the spill into the carpet more.

Spray the stain with a carpet cleaning solution being sure not to soak the carpet. Soaking the carpet with the solution will only cause the spot to spread and possibly sink down deeper into the carpet fibers. If you have not utilized the specific kind of carpet cleaning solution before, it is a good idea to test it on an area of the carpet that cannot be readily seen. This will not only let you know if the solution is safe for your specific kind of carpet, but you will also know if your carpet is color fast.

After the solution has set on the carpet for a few minutes, blot it up just as you did to remove the excess of the stain. After the spot has been removed, rinse the area with clean water and continue to blot the area with a clean cloth until all of the excess moisture along with the cleaning solution has been removed.

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